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What is WSL Ving Tsun Kung-fu?

Ving Tsun is a fighting system that emphasizes on the most direct and efficient way to attack the opponent, and at the same time, affording optimum protection to the practitioner. To achieve these, rather unnatural but scientific body forms and movements are applied in the system to improve power and speed of fighting.

WSL Ving Tsun is a Ving Tsun system modified and developed by Sifu Wong Shun Leung.  Based on the skills that he had learned from the legendary late Grandmaster Ip Man, and through many years of practical experience, including numerous kongsau (street fighting) experiences in the 50s & 60s, Sifu Wong Shun Leung refined and enhanced the Ving Tsun techniques and turned them into an even more effective fighting system.

To distinguish from other Ving Tsun systems, Sifu Wong named this modified system as "Ving Tsun Kuen Hok" 

 (詠春拳學), or "Scientific Ving Tsun".

Although WSL Ving Tsun is a modified and improved (if not advanced) Ving Tsun system, the traditional Ving Tsun training patterns (forms) are still there --- the three forms : "Siu Lim Tao" (tiny idea), "Chum Kiu" (bridge-seeking) and "Biu Tze" (fingers pointing); the practices of "Muk Yan Jong" (wooden dummy); as well as the two weapons forms: the "Luk Dim Boon Gwan" (six-and-a-half-point pole) form and the "Bat Cham Dou" (eight-slash choppers) forms, all are still the essential elements of WSL Ving Tsun.

WSL Ving Tsun put much emphasis on the training of "Chi Sau" (sticking-hands). Through intensive training and practices of “Chi Sau”, WSL Ving Tsun practitioners may be able to attack and control the opponents even when his/her eyesight is being obstructed. The hands of the practitioners will be trained to“know”how to react spontaneously by sheer“sense, touch and feel” rather than by cognitive thinking. It therefore enhances the ability of the Ving Tsun practitioner to manage the fighting range more efficiently and effectively.

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